
Employment Opportunities at sale college

Employment Opportunities

We believe that Sale College prepares young people to become active citizens in their communities by teaching them the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to flourish within our society. In order to achieve that, we provide quality teaching and learning, with high expectations and support to ensure growth for all students. We believe that it is important to cater for students’ differences and to provide the optimal learning environment for all students to succeed.

At Sale College we foster respectful, flourishing relationships that result in strong, inclusive, resilient, and independent young people. These young people will make positive contributions to their community through a range of opportunities.

The school’s values are Respect, Achievement and Belonging. These values underpin everything we do and provide guidance to our staff and students to make sure every student learns, achieves and succeeds.

We are looking for people who share in our schools’ values of Respect, Achievement and Belonging. If this is you, please visit Recruitment Online for more Information on Employment Opportunities at Sale College

SALE COLLEGE - Current Jobs available

Currently, there are no available vacancies. 

Is seeking to appoint the following staff:

Leading Teacher – Student Engagement.

Job ID 1420444
Application Closes 28th of June