At the Macalister Campus we offer
A VCE Program is a set of semester units taken over a minimum period of two or more years. This program is designed by you to meet your needs within the rules laid down by VCAA and within College policies.
Counselling is available to ensure that you choose the program which best meets your needs.
We generally advise students to complete 20 – 24 units over a two/three year period. This would usually involve 5 units per semester in Year 11 and 5 units per semester in Year 12.
To be awarded your VCE you must satisfactorily complete at least 16 units which must include: – 3 units of English – 3 Unit 3 & 4 sequences (other than English). This may include VET Sequences.
Take advantage of the counselling available and the expertise within the college. All discussions you have should be guided by the need to identify your interests and abilities and link these with appropriate work/career choices. – Talk to: parents, careers teacher, VCE coordinators, other teachers and friends.
At Sale College our aim is to provide a wide range of options and to assist you to select a program which best meets your individual needs. You should carefully consider the following options and challenges in selecting your individual program of study:
While the VCE is thought of as a two year program, it is quite common for students to complete it over three years. All Sale College students have access to VCE units which may enhance their options and provide greater program flexibility. Including a sequence of VCE units in a year 10 program provides a challenge and the opportunity to broaden studies.
Students entering Year 11 have the opportunity to include a Unit 3 & 4 subject in the first year of their VCE program. This should be seriously considered by all students considering university or high level TAFE for the benefit it provides to ATAR rankings.
This option provides greater flexibility within the VCE and has greater benefits for students by:
– providing extra challenges;
– providing experience in meeting the demands of Learning Outcomes;
– providing the opportunity to increase the ATAR rank.
In the past, Sale College students have been very successful in completing Unit 3 & 4 subjects in the first year of their VCE.
The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is accredited at three award levels:
The three award levels provide flexible entry and exit points for a range of student abilities and interests and offer a clear progression for the development of knowledge, skills and attributes.
The purpose of literacy curriculum selected for this strand is to enable the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes in literacy that allow progression in the main social contexts of family, employment, further learning and citizenship. Literacy skills corresponding with these social contexts include literacy for self-expression, practical purposes, knowledge and public debate. Literacy includes reading, writing and oral communication skills.
Numeracy is the ability to use mathematical skills in order to carry out processes and functions within society related to designing, measuring, constructing, using graphical information, money, time and travel, and the underpinning skills and knowledge for further study in mathematics or related fields. Curriculum selected for numeracy in this strand should develop skills to facilitate the practical application of mathematics at home, work and in the community.
The purpose of the Work Related Skills strand is to develop employability skills, knowledge and attributes valued within community and work environments as a preparation for employment. The development of the employability skills within this program provides learners with a capacity to consider and choose from a range of pathways. The development of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) knowledge provides learners with the necessary preparation for the workplace. Design and product development, planning, applying problem solving skills and manufacturing within a work-related context is a key part of the program.
The purpose of the Personal Development Skills Strand is to develop knowledge, skills and attributes that lead towards:
Students considering VCAL as a study option are encouraged to talk with the VCAL Team Leader.
Students can complete training in a variety of part-time apprenticeships and traineeships as part of either a VCE or VCAL program. The work component may be completed outside school hours or sometimes will take as much as two days a week. SNBA’s cannot be selected but need to be negotiated with employers. The Sale College Careers team can assist with investigating this option.
Students have the opportunity to extend their VCE program by studying a University subject in Year 12. This is an exciting and challenging option for very capable and motivated students. Further information is available from the Careers Advisors.
Work experience is offered to students in years 10 to 12. Work experience involves school students participating in short term industry placements, which broadens their experience and understanding of the world of work and career opportunities. It benefits students in the following ways:
Work experience placements can be either during the school terms or over holidays, depending on availability and need.
For some students a mix of work and VCE or VCAL studies is an option. Generally this will involve an ongoing Industry Placement for VET students and is organised by the College
For more information on Pathways download the Years 10-12 Curriculum Handbook
Sale College is accredited under the Department of Education’s CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K). For more information, see: